General information:
Welcome to the first lecture, Tuesday 31 August 10:15 in Zoom. Zoom link is found in Canvas. Canvas access is given to all students that have signed up in LADOK to participate in the course.
Please contact if you need login.
COVID19: LTH permits campus-based teaching, provided that the Swedish Public Health Agency’s rules and recommendations are observed. For EIEN15:
- Lectures take place in Zoom;
- Exercise sessions take place in IEA seminar room M:IEA at Kemicentrum (KC)and simultaneously in Zoom;
- Computer exercises take place in computer rooms at KC with one student per table and simultaneously in Zoom;
- Laboratory exercises take place in IEA labs in the M-building with one student per table and use of disposable face mask.
Registration: At the first lectures students present submit information for this.
1.Laboratory exercises are not in the TimeEdit schedule. Time slots will be chosen based on Doodles (or equivalent) distributed to registered students.
2. Computer exercises are not compulsory.
Power System Analysis & Design, SI Version, 6th Edition, by J. D. Glover, T. J. Overbye, M. S. Sarma, 2017, also available as e-book from the publisher.
Paperback is available at KFS, adlibris and bokus for appr. 800 SEK. The 5th edition of the same book from 2012 will also work.
The student administration is located at IEA
in the KC4-building on level +2. It is open weekdays 11.00-12.30 and by agreement. Contact: 046-222 92 90 or
Note: A student who wants to drop the course is responsible for informing the course responsible or student administration about this. If this is not done, it may affect the possibility to pick up the course at a later time.